The Advantages of PCMH

Empowered primary care facilities have long been proposed as a solution to improving care quality and containing soaring costs. Many new cutting-edge approaches and solutions are been leveraged by healthcare executives across the nation.

The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model holds the key in this regard. The foundation of such a care delivery model lies in coordinating different aspects of care through a primary care physician that takes care of patient needs in an end to end manner.

The aim of the whitepaper is to discuss the current trends in the primary care landscape and how models such as PCMH are pushing the cause of optimizing care and cost outcomes.

The whitepaper throws lights on the 5 attributes associated with Patient-Centered Medical Home, namely:
Comprehensive care delivery

Whole-person approach

Coordinated care


Commitment to quality and patient safety

Tags: PCMH 
Tags: PCMH 

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