CMS and Healthcare Innovation: The Next Ten Years

Team Innovaccer
Mon 29 Nov 2021
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Few things have impacted healthcare over the past decade as much as the CMS Innovation Center's strategy. The past ten years of industry participation in Innovation Center testing and learning laid the groundwork for CMS's effort to drive broad and equitable
health system transformation.

Get ready for the next decade. This month CMS released its "Innovation Center Strategy Refresh," its bold roadmap for driving innovation in healthcare for its second decade of operation.

On today's show, David Nace, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Innovaccer, leads a vibrant roundtable discussion with all of the members of Innovaccer's Office of the Chief Medical Officer. The team discusses and debates their views, reactions, analysis, and counsel on all five of the CMS Innovation Centers objectives for the next decade.

The roundtable also covers a variety of other healthcare industry topics that have been making headlines, as well as what they've been hearing from and discussing with healthcare leaders across the industry.

Today's expert panel (all are members of Innovaccer's Office of the Chief Medical Officer):

You can also watch today's show on our YouTube channel here:

Here's everything the team covered. Warning: they cover a LOT of ground!

  • When will patient-centered, value-based care happen?
  • Data's role in enabling accountable care
  • Readmission penalties in the news
  • The nexus of SDoH and interoperability
  • Driving simplicity into the EHR
  • Patient engagement and the consumers' responsibility
  • Making it easier for patients to "do the right thing" for their care
  • Extending the EHR to drive care coordination, management, and patient engagement
  • The pandemic's impact on virtual and remote care
  • Multiple views on the role of government in accelerating innovation and driving healthcare transformation
  • Consumerism, the Cures Act, and price transparency: a new brew for transformation
  • Reactions to the CMS Innovation Strategy Refresh's five objectives: Drive accountable care, Advance health equity, Support innovation, Address affordability, Partner to achieve system transformation

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Tags: Podcasts
Team Innovaccer
CMS and Healthcare Innovation: The Next Ten Years

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