The Shifting State of Healthcare Consumerism

Team Innovaccer
Tue 07 Jun 2022
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Consumerism in healthcare has made “webside manner” as important as bedside manner. It’s no secret that lessons learned from the pandemic have motivated  providers and payers to rethink strategies around patient access and experience, retail care competition, partnerships, and care delivery and payment models, and more.

But rethinking isn’t action. What do healthcare stakeholders need to do to adapt to market forces that are radically reshaping the industry? Today's show attempts to answer that question and more, with a roundtable discussion that offers a wealth of fresh thinking around healthcare consumerism: where it's been, where it's at, and most importantly, where it's headed and how to thrive in an industry that’s changing faster than ever.

Our panel includes Beth Bierbower, host of the B-Time podcast, and a healthcare leader with over 30 years of experience on the payer side, including President of Humana’s employer group segment. Joining Beth is Jared Johnson, host of the Healthcare Rap podcast; and Gary Druckenmiller, managing director of PRM (Patient Relationship Management) at Innovaccer.

Here’s what the panel discussed:

  • Why healthcare remains out-of-step with consumerism
  • The #1 thing that can unlock the consumer experience in healthcare
  • Revealing the next big movement in value-based care
  • The difference between patient- and consumer-centricity
  • Where healthcare CMOs draw the line—and why they shouldn’t
  • Where healthcare is getting consumerism right
  • Who’s ahead in the consumerism race, payers or providers?
  • Friction in the system (and where we need some WD-40)
  • Is fee-for-service more consumer friendly?
  • Going beyond digitization of medical records
  • The nexus of consumerism and value-based care
  • Personalized care: Not just for clinical
  • The key to unlocking lower care costs
  • The employer equation
  • Retailers in mirror are closer than they appear
  • Fixing 30 years of fragmented data repositories
  • A macro view of consumer data
  • Payviders: a help or a hindrance to consumerism?
  • The business roles that must align to meet the consumer age
  • Tackling healthcare’s #1 taboo topic

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Tags: CRM, CRM In Healthcare, Patient Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management
Team Innovaccer
The Shifting State of Healthcare Consumerism

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