How Cloud-Based Accelerators Help Providers Set the Foundation for Digital Transformation

More than 90% of today’s healthcare leaders are focused on digital transformation. However, 97% say that they face a “data readiness crisis.” Recognizing the need to improve capabilities, performance, and value around data, many healthcare organizations have invested in cloud-based data platforms.

While a data platform is a smart investment and strategy, eight out of 10 leaders report that they still have a full lack of trust in data held across their enterprise. This challenge requires the adoption of data readiness—a multi-process capability that helps aggregate, normalize, clean, unify, and activate held data, as well as add advanced analytics to create powerful insights. Powerful cloud-based accelerators integrate and give existing data platforms the ability to add and improve their levels of data readiness.

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Interested in how providers and other health organizations can accelerate digital transformation—and improve trust and performance of their data—by extending their data platform’s capabilities around data readiness? Get a demo of our cloud-based accelerators.

Read this Whitepaper to learn about:
How digital maturity defines digital transformation leaders and laggards in healthcare

Crucial data capabilities that are often missing in data platforms of health organizations

Five powerful benefits of implementing greater data readiness across an enterprise

Four plug-in platform accelerators that add and improve data foundation, mapping, quality, and curation


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