Reevaluating Strategies For Creating a Sustainable Pediatric Care Organization

Pediatric care has made many breakthroughs in the 21st century. We are witnessing a progression towards value-based care in pediatrics at a variable pace across the US, and there is a common set of drivers impacting it.

Coupled with advancements in medical science, we are winning over several problems that once plagued our pediatric care delivery system. Additionally, pediatric organizations are responding to changes in their markets with various strategies. This will obviously call for increasing levels of risk, which would, in turn, require significantly different levels of infrastructure to manage that risk, both technical and clinical.

The aim of the whitepaper is to support children’s care organizations that are evaluating options to develop a transition path from fee-for-service (FFS) to value-based care (VBC).

Further, the whitepaper also proposes a 5-step strategy to enhance the efficiency of pediatric organizations:
Creating centralized data repositories

Measuring utilization with a team-based approach

Enabling futuristic care management strategies

Evaluating care insights in the moment of care

Driving family-centric care initiatives


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