Healthcare Interoperability to Connect the Care Teams Across the US

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Achieving true interoperability in healthcare has become a complicated endeavor. In a survey, 95% of the healthcare providers said interoperability challenges limit their ability to transfer data from one medical center to another. Although data exchange standards and regulatory incentives such as Meaningful Use have encouraged healthcare organizations to improve interoperability and ensure data sharing, healthcare interoperability has a long way to go.

Read this whitepaper to learn more about: :

How distributed data in healthcare and its implications made healthcare costs go beyond $3 trillion

How distributed and disparate data systems hinder patient-centric care

The three levels of interoperability (semantic, structural, and foundational) and current advancements

Need for building a two-way interoperable network

Healthcare Interoperability to Connect the Care Teams Across the US

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Achieving true interoperability in healthcare has become a complicated endeavor. In a survey, 95% of the healthcare providers said interoperability challenges limit their ability to transfer data from one medical center to another. Although data exchange standards and regulatory incentives such as Meaningful Use have encouraged healthcare organizations to improve interoperability and ensure data sharing, healthcare interoperability has a long way to go.

Read this whitepaper to learn more about: :

How distributed data in healthcare and its implications made healthcare costs go beyond $3 trillion

How distributed and disparate data systems hinder patient-centric care

The three levels of interoperability (semantic, structural, and foundational) and current advancements

Need for building a two-way interoperable network

Healthcare Interoperability to Connect the Care Teams Across the US

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Providing data transparency in healthcare a new meaning.

Achieving true interoperability in healthcare has become a complicated endeavor. In a survey, 95% of the healthcare providers said interoperability challenges limit their ability to transfer data from one medical center to another. Although data exchange standards and regulatory incentives such as Meaningful Use have encouraged healthcare organizations to improve interoperability and ensure data sharing, healthcare interoperability has a long way to go.

Read this whitepaper to learn more about: :

How distributed data in healthcare and its implications made healthcare costs go beyond $3 trillion

How distributed and disparate data systems hinder patient-centric care

The three levels of interoperability (semantic, structural, and foundational) and current advancements

Need for building a two-way interoperable network

Read the white paper
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