Fee-for-Service: It's Time to Put a Fork in It ... for the Patients

Team Innovaccer
Thurs 19 Sep 2022
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In an industry awash with payment models, which approaches hold the most promise for helping to strengthen primary care while also improving health equity? One thing is certain: Fee-for-service is not only the wrong model, but it's actually at the root of our problems driving primary care revenue and care quality down, and inequality up.

In a new blog post by members of the Primary Care Collaborative (including our own Sean Hogan, Innovaccer GM and PCC board member) and the Commonwealth Fund, the co-authors offer three compelling suggestions for how alternative payment models can be the catalyst to simultaneously strengthen primary care and improve health equity.

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In a related development, Innovaccer just published the results of a new national study from Morning Consult that found 58% of providers believe their EHR vendor won’t be able to support the data strategies required to thrive using alternative payment models.

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Taken together, these views are a clarion call to action for primary care providers to reassess how their choice of reimbursement models and technology can have a positive—or negative—impact on clinical and financial outcomes. In this age of shrinking margins, higher material costs, and declining revenue, there's never been a better time to rethink how primary care delivery and reimbursement models can work together to drive positive change.


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Tags: Payer
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