blogsFive Data Challenges Health Plans Face and How to Fix Them

Five Data Challenges Health Plans Face and How to Fix Them

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August 12, 2022
1 mins
Team Innovaccer

In our conversations with health plan leaders, five challenges are consistently raised as the most common barriers they’re trying to overcome.

It’s probably no surprise to any health plan leader that these challenges are deeply rooted in data problems. Across healthcare—clinical, claims, labs, pharmacy, etc.—data is trapped in disconnected systems that can’t talk to each other. Every day, these data silos grow more complex as exabytes of patient data continue to flow into them.

The goals health plans aim to achieve—adjudicating and settling medical claims, supporting providers and patients with a more coordinated care experience, and making informed clinical and business decisions, to name a few—are hampered by these technical issues. Health plans need to unleash the power of their data to gain actionable insights that help them best meet the needs of their members, as well as improve the bottom line.

How can health plans succeed in improving the member experience and retaining members? How can they quickly achieve an integrated, modular, and flexible data platform that gives them a single source of clinical and financial truth?

The answers are in our new infographic: “Five data challenges health plans face and how to fix them”. Get it now and share it with your colleagues.

Team Innovaccer