Interoperability for Payers: Accept the Risks or Reap the Rewards

Team Innovaccer
Thurs 15 Aug 2022
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Healthcare Business Today asked Chris Ingersoll, Innovaccer’s Principal Architect and a nationally known expert on interoperability, to share his guidance on interoperability’s vital signs for payers, and why the clock is ticking for payers to achieve pervasive interoperability now.

In his article, Four Ways Interoperability Empowers Health Plans, Chris covers the existential risks payers face in an increasingly digitally transformed world when their systems can’t “talk” with those used by providers and their members. On balance, he covers the rewards payers can reap if they accelerate their digital transformation now.

Read Chris’s article in Healthcare Business Today now or bookmark it for later, so your organization can stay ahead of the curve!


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Tags: Payer
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