blogsThe EHR Is Dead. Long Live The EHR Platform!

The EHR Is Dead. Long Live The EHR Platform!

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December 10, 2021
0 mins
Team Innovaccer
The EHR Is Dead. Long Live The EHR Platform!

Seth Joseph's two-part article, "The EHR Is Dead, Long Live The EHR Platform," caused a stir when it was published by Forbes. Seth makes the case that the nation’s embrace of EHRs has failed to meet expectations, including improving care coordination, reducing overutilization and waste, enhancing patient safety, and more. On today's show, Sean Hogan interviews Seth to discuss the current and future state of the EHR; the need for information liquidity to enable holistic clinical insights and care delivery; and the role of innovation, platforms, and "network effects" to help providers transform and drive better clinical, financial, and operational outcomes.

Seth Joseph is managing director of Summit Health, a strategy consultancy focused on digital health. Seth's articles have appeared in Health Affairs, JAMIA, AJMC, and other publications. Sean Hogan is general manager at Innovaccer.

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Team Innovaccer
The EHR Is Dead. Long Live The EHR Platform!