Digital Transformation: The Old New Thing, with special guest, Phil Fasano

Team Innovaccer
Thu 24 Feb 2022
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Today we're speaking with one of the pioneers of digital transformation: Phil Fasano, now CEO of Bay Advisors, formerly executive vice president and CIO Kaiser Permanente, one of the country’s largest nonprofit healthcare organizations.

Phil ushered in the first EHRs and innovative mobile experiences to improve patient care, create great consumer experiences, and boost staff productivity—all efforts that were years (even decades) ahead of their time.

These days Phil is supporting innovative companies, private equity, and VC firms through his consultancy, Bay Advisors.

Joining Phil on today's show are Sean Hogan, general manager at Innovaccer; and Gary Druckenmiller, category leader for Patient Relationship Management at Innovaccer.

Here's what they discussed.

  • How the history of digital healthcare data evolved from managed care organizations to today’s model
  • Unique opportunities for patients and providers as personal healthcare data has progressed
  • How the pandemic changed the industry's view of healthcare data
  • Why weaving digital healthcare data together can deliver better care at reduced cost
  • Financial benefits of integrated healthcare data
  • Concerns about risks associated with shared personal healthcare data
  • Shifting from sick care to treating patients as consumers
  • CRM's broken connection to patient-centric consumer care
  • Applying the building blocks of consumerism—interoperability, process, data, and content—to optimize healthcare data
  • Using consumerism principles to gain competitive advantage
  • Challenges for providers when patients are in the driver's seat
  • Generational and regulatory gaps in consumer data perceptions and use
  • Concierge care: the future of healthcare?

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Tags: CRM, CRM In Healthcare, Patient Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management, Data Activation Platform
Team Innovaccer
Digital Transformation: The Old New Thing, with special guest, Phil Fasano

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