A Revolution in Care Management: How Innovaccer is Changing Everything

Abhinav Shashank
Thurs 12 Sep 2024
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Today, Innovaccer is reinventing care management.

In 2011, we set out to solve healthcare's biggest challenges with data activation and insights. We've made incredible progress. But there's one problem that has been staring us in the face, screaming for a solution: the administrative burden crushing our care managers.

It's unacceptable. It's tragic. And today, we're going to change it forever.

The Problem

Walk into any hospital, any clinic, anywhere in the country– what do you see? Care managers – the very people meant to be the front face of healthcare are trapped behind computer screens, drowning in paperwork.

They're spending 30 minutes, sometimes more, on just documentation for every patient. That is not care management. That is data entry.

It's not just inefficient, it's inhumane. To the care managers, to the patients, and to all of us who believe healthcare should be about healing, not typing.

We've robbed care managers of their purpose. We've stolen time from patients who desperately need support. And we've accepted this as NORMAL.

Not anymore.

Introducing the Care Management Copilot

Today, Innovaccer is proud to introduce a product that will revolutionize care management: the Care Management Copilot.

It's not just a new feature. It's not an upgrade. It's an entirely new way of thinking about care management.

The Copilot uses advanced AI to automate documentation, generate care insights, and predict patient risks. But that's selling it short. What it really does is give care managers their purpose back. It puts them back in front of patients, where they belong.

How does it work? It's so simple that it's magical.

  • ⁠The Copilot listens to patient interactions and automatically documents everything. No typing. No navigating complex EHRs. Just pure, human conversation.

  • ⁠ ⁠It verifies data in real time, cross-referencing against millions of records. It's like having a team of expert fact-checkers working for you, instantly.
  • ⁠ ⁠It writes back to the EHR seamlessly. No double entry. No switching between systems. It just works.
  • ⁠ ⁠It provides smart summaries of patient histories. Not endless pages of notes, but clear, actionable insights.
  • ⁠ ⁠It suggests care plans based on the latest evidence. It's like having the world's best medical libraries and the latest research at your fingertips.
  • ⁠ ⁠It predicts patient risks before they become problems. It's not just managing care; it's foreseeing the future of each patient's health journey.

This isn't incremental change. This is a quantum leap.

The Impact

Let me put this in perspective.

The average care manager spends 4.5 hours a day documenting charts in EHRs. With the Copilot, they can cut that to less than an hour.

That's 3 hours given back to every care manager, every day.

Multiply that across the country, and we're talking about millions of hours returned to patient care. Millions of hours for more meaningful conversations, for deeper understanding, for real human connection.

This isn't just a product. It's a revolution in healthcare delivery.

Our Vision

At Innovaccer, we believe that technology should fade into the background, becoming invisible, allowing the true essence of human connection and experience to take center stage.

The Care Management Copilot isn't about replacing care managers with AI. It's about empowering them to do what they really want to do – provide compassionate, personalized care.

We're not just changing software. We're not just improving workflows. We're redefining what it means to provide care in the 21st century.

The Future is Now

Some will say this is too ambitious. They'll say healthcare is too complex, too regulated, too set in its ways to change this dramatically.

They're wrong.

The technology is here. The need is clear. All that's required is the courage to embrace a new way of thinking.

To every healthcare leader, to every care manager, to everyone who believes we can do better: join us. Be part of this revolution. Together, we can build a healthcare system that's not just more efficient, but more human.

The future of care management isn't coming. It's here. And it's called the Care Management Copilot.

Thank you.

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Tags: Revolution in Care Management
Abhinav Shashank
Cofounder and CEO, Innovaccer

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