Is Platform as a Service (PaaS) Becoming Healthcare’s Preeminent Cloud Model?

Team Innovaccer
Thur 29 Sep 2022
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Forbes contributor Seth Joseph thinks so. His latest article argues that, in 2022 and beyond, managed cloud platforms are better suited to helping healthcare organizations achieve their business goals, as opposed to solutions built in-house.

Seth goes as far as to say instead of “build it and they will come,” the risk is “build it and you will fail.” Certainly build vs. buy is one of the longest-running debates in healthcare IT, and Seth offers four compelling reasons why leveraging a platform is the preferred data management and application development model for healthcare organizations who want to create more value for their organizations, patients, and other stakeholders.

We couldn’t agree more. We declared the year of the healthcare data platform had arrived when KLAS recognized “Data & Analytics Platforms” as a new category for healthcare earlier this year. Healthcare can finally move beyond point solutions to unified data platforms that can solve use cases as fast as they arise, simply by building on and extending the platform itself.

Read Seth’s article here. Then visit, and get a demo to see how the Innovaccer Health Cloud platform can help you accelerate your transformation.

Tags: Healthcare
Team Innovaccer

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